Recipe for Shahi Ferni
- Milk-1 liter
- Rice-50 gram (pisay huay)
- Sugar-275 gram
- Almonds-50 gram (chopped)
- Pistachio (pista)-2 tsp (pisay huay)
- Cardamom-2 (pissi hui)
- Kewra Essence-1tsp
- Almonds-6
Cooking Directions
Mix up the rice and chopped almonds and put it into cooking bowl.
After that add 1/2 liter milk and cook it over slow flame.
Stir the spoon continuously and add cardamom again cook it.
When milk gets half because of cooking then add remaining milk and sugar and stir the spoon continuously.
When milk seems light golden in color then remove it from the flame and add kewra essence in it.
Garnish it with Pistachio and almonds.
by (few years ago!) / 2533 views