Movie Poster for Gumm The Film
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Gumm The Film


A wanted criminal and a desperate father, lost in the middle of nowhere, juggling between the odds to save what matters most to him. Will he be able to win this battle against the ticking clock?
Starring: Sami Khan, Shamoon Abbasi, Shameen Khan, more..
Director: Kanza Zia and Ammar Lasani
Language: Urdu
Genre: Action,Drama,Romance,Thriller
Release Date: Fri. Jan, 11 2019

Cast Overview

Sami Khan Asad
Shamoon Abbasi Haider
Shameen Khan Dua

Crew Overview

Ammar Lasani Screenplay
Kanza Zia Screenplay
Shakeel Anjum Producer
Ammar Lasani Cinematographer
Kanza Zia Cinematographer
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