Forums > General Talks > Today Best Sms

Age: 40 Male
4970 days old here
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Daska, Pakistan

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Subject : Today Best Sms (closed)
Thought of you today, That’s not new,
Thought of you yesterday + the day before too,
I will think of you tomorrow & my whole life through,
& I will think of you forever because I think the world of you.

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Posted on April, 03 2011 08:46:21 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

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Darkness cannot drive out darkness
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do
that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
– Martin Luther King

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Posted on January, 05 2014 12:51:57 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

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Keep your dreams alive!
“I used to serve tea at a shop to
support my football training” – Lionel Messi.
”We don’t even get food for 2
times a day, still I did’nt give up
and continued to play football” – Luis Suarez.
“I wasn’t interested in school. I
was expelled after I threw a chair
at the teacher just because he said
something bad about my family’s
financial status ”, – Cristiano Ronaldo
My father, Joo, a welder, died
with Heartattack when I was just
eight. So you can imagine our
condition at that time. – Ronaldinho.
So, Don’t let your past define your
future. Keep your dreams alive!

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Posted on January, 05 2014 12:53:04 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
I learned to be grateful
“Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my
way when I learned to be grateful no matter what
happened in my life.”
— Oprah Winfrey

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Posted on January, 05 2014 02:52:53 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
If your plan is for a year, plant rice
If your plan is for a year, plant rice
If its for 10 years, plant trees
If its for a 100 years, educate your children
(Chinese Proverb)?

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Posted on January, 05 2014 02:54:06 PM


Age: 30 Male
4222 days old here
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Points : 198

Attock, Pakistan

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na dunia se na dolat se na ghar abad kerne se
tasali dil ko hoti hai khuda ko yaad kerne se

is ke baad main apne shair post kron ga

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Posted on January, 05 2014 04:30:25 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
A smile is enough to get everything
Charlie chaplin said
“You need power only when you want to do something
“A smile is enough to get everything.”

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Posted on January, 06 2014 10:22:05 AM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
Being single is a great time to grow spiritually
Being single is a great time to grow spiritually
to become your foundation for future
relationships. -Owen Campbell Jr.

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Posted on January, 06 2014 10:23:10 AM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
Man is the only one that is cruel
“Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He
is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of
doing it.”
Mark Twain

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Posted on January, 06 2014 10:24:50 AM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

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A life without love is a waste
A life without love is a waste. “Should I look for spiritual
love, or material, or physical love?”, don’t ask yourself
this question. Discrimination leads to discrimination.
Love doesn’t need any name, category or definition.
Love is a world itself. Either you are in, at the center…
either you are out, yearning.
~ Shams Tabrizi

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Posted on January, 06 2014 10:25:53 AM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
Success seems to be connected with action
“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful
people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they
don’t quit.”
– Conrad Hilton

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Posted on January, 06 2014 10:26:59 AM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow.
The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real
-Abraham Lincoln

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Posted on January, 06 2014 10:28:03 AM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
We are each gifted in a unique and important way
“We are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is
our privilege and our adventure to discover our own
special light.” – Mary Dunbar

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Posted on January, 06 2014 11:44:24 AM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

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If you don’t design your own life plan – AKON
If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are
you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what
they have planned for you? Not much

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Posted on January, 06 2014 11:45:28 AM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
You are a beautiful soul hidden by the trenchcoat of the
“You are a beautiful soul hidden by the trenchcoat of
the ego.” -Mike Dolan
So leave behind the trench coat and walk into the rain
to discover yourself!

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Posted on January, 06 2014 11:46:37 AM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
A Superb line by Nepolean
A Superb line by Nepolean:
“The Dreams of a Man,
The smile of a Woman,
Can do Anything in this World”

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Posted on January, 06 2014 11:47:53 AM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
When 1 door of happiness closes
Love this quote..
“When 1 door of happiness closes, another opens but
often we look so long at the closed door that we do not
see the 1 which has opened for us”

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Posted on January, 06 2014 11:49:02 AM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
God gave you them shoes to fit you
God gave you them shoes to fit you, so put them on
and wear them. Be yourself man, be proud of
whatever you are. Even it sounds corny, don’t let no
one tell you, you ain’t beautiful. — Eminem

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Posted on January, 06 2014 11:50:13 AM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
Just living is not enough
Just living is not enough.
One must have sunshine,
and a little flower.

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Posted on January, 06 2014 11:51:36 AM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
f I Have 8 hours To Cut A Tree
“If I Have 8 hours To Cut A Tree,
I Will Spend 7hrs In Sharpening
The Axe”
- Lincoln.
“If I Have 8 Hrs To Study,
I shall Spend 7 Hrs Finding The Book”.

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Posted on January, 06 2014 12:00:53 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
Dont leave any work even by SMALLER margin
Dont leave any work even by SMALLER margin, bcoz
even 99 doesn’t have the glamour of century.
-Sachin tendulkar.

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Posted on January, 06 2014 12:02:06 PM