Forums > General Talks > Today Best Sms

Age: 40 Male
4970 days old here
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Daska, Pakistan

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Subject : Today Best Sms (closed)
Thought of you today, That’s not new,
Thought of you yesterday + the day before too,
I will think of you tomorrow & my whole life through,
& I will think of you forever because I think the world of you.

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Posted on April, 03 2011 08:46:21 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

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It doesn’t matter where you go in life
It doesn’t matter where you go in life..
What you do or how much you have..
Its WHO you have beside you !!
That’s what matters the most !!

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Posted on January, 02 2014 01:55:37 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

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A fail person will make a mistake
A fail person will make a mistake and act like it never
happened, a Wise person will make a mistake, admit it
and apologize regardless of the outcome!

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Posted on January, 02 2014 01:56:46 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

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Don’t expose your weaknesses
Don’t expose your weaknesses.
People are slow at understanding you,
but very quick at taking advantage of the things you
say ?

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Posted on January, 02 2014 01:57:52 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

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Negative thinking is like a Virus
Negative thinking is like a Virus,
They are more infectious and contagious!
Some people , their main goal in life is to make other
people miserable.

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Posted on January, 02 2014 01:59:06 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
Life is too Short
Too short to be stuck in traffic jams,
to work in depressing offices,
to live in poorly planned flats,
to shop in claustrophobic malls,
to quarrel over parking spaces,
to not walk barefoot on the grass,
to hate the rains because of water logging…
Life Is Too Short To Waste Living In Places With No
Place For Life.

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Posted on January, 02 2014 02:00:11 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

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Expecting can end in tears
Expecting and Accepting are the two sides of life
Expecting can end in tears,
but Accepting will bring you cheers!

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Posted on January, 02 2014 03:00:09 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
She walks in Beauty, like the night
She walks in Beauty, like the night
Of cloudness climes and starry skies,
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes

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Posted on January, 02 2014 03:01:09 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
Don’t be afraid to change
Don’t be afraid to change.
You may lose something good,
but you may gain something even better.

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Posted on January, 02 2014 03:02:29 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
People create distinctions
In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west;
people create distinctions out of their own minds and
then beleive them to be true

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Posted on January, 02 2014 03:03:35 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
Never be proud nor depressed for
Never be proud nor depressed for
what you are and the position you hold in society!
When the game of CHESS is over,
both KING and PAWNS go in same box

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Posted on January, 02 2014 03:04:48 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
Two aspects of life
Two aspects of life:
If we become too sentimental, its too hard to lead life &
If we become too practical, its too tough to respect

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Posted on January, 02 2014 03:06:00 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
it doesn’t matter what you do
I believe that two people are connected at the heart,
and it doesn’t matter what you do,
or who you are or where you live;
there are no boundaries or
barriers if two people are destined to be together.

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Posted on January, 02 2014 03:07:30 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
Sometimes i feel that my life will stop without you
Sometimes i feel that my life will stop without you, but
no its not like that my life will go on but only things will
stop that i wont be in my own senses coz after losing
you from my life physically i will live my life but
mentally some where i will die in this world

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Posted on January, 02 2014 03:15:02 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
How you made them feel
People may not remember
exactly what you did or
what you said, but they will
always remember how you
made them feel.

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Posted on January, 02 2014 03:16:44 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
est advice in two lines
Best advice in two lines:
“Silence is the best answer for all questions”
“Smiling is the best reaction in all situations”

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Posted on January, 02 2014 03:17:48 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
Why isn’t the world a better place?
Don’t spend your precious time asking,
“Why isn’t the world a better place?”
It will only be time wasted.
The question to ask is,
“How can I make it better?”
To that there is an answer.

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Posted on January, 02 2014 05:25:20 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
Life is not just about what you can do as a person
Life is not just about what you can do as a person.
It’s about what others learn from what you are doing,
which has a positive impact on them

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Posted on January, 02 2014 05:26:24 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
which one is true?
It has generally been assumed that of two opposing
systems of philosophy,
e.g., realism and idealism, one only can be true and one
must be false;
and so philosophers have been hopelessly divided on
the question,
which one is true?.

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Posted on January, 02 2014 05:27:37 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
People are like stained-glass windows
People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and
shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets
in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light
from within.

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Posted on January, 02 2014 05:28:48 PM


Age: 31 Female
4256 days old here
Total Posts: 7616
Points : 16

....., Pakistan

Status : Offline
You cannot change the people around you but you can
change the people that you choose to be around

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Posted on January, 02 2014 05:29:56 PM