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Live to the point of tears

by (few years ago!) / 785 views
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Because the children in us were best friends. But then there were other times.

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You just remind me of what's really important in life, friends, best friends

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Records are meant to be broken but, memories are meant to last forever.

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O Liberty...! is it well To leave the gates unguarded? ~Thomas Bailey Aldrich

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If we look to the history of other nations, ancient or modern, we find no example of a growth so rapid, so gigantic, of a people so prosperous and happy.

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As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.

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Smile at each other; smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other- it doesn't matter who it is- and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other. --Mother Teresa

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Death ain't nothing but a fastball on the outside corner.

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Clocks slay time... time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life.

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There is an exquisite melody in every heart. If we listen closely, we can hear each others song. A friend knows the song in your heart and responds with Beautiful harmony

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