Search Results for 'love'

"True love makes the thought of death frequent, easy, without terrors; it merely becomes the standard of comparison, the price one would pay for many things."

by Tariq Bangash (few years ago!)
Love the art in yourself and not yourself in the art."

by Tariq Bangash (few years ago!)
"Love is not a matter of counting the years -- it's making the years count."

by Tariq Bangash (few years ago!)
To love and be loved is the great happiness of existence."

by Tariq Bangash (few years ago!)
"Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition."

by Tariq Bangash (few years ago!)
Love is meant to go beyond limits, and then you will feel the depth of it

by (few years ago!)
The best way to last your love forever, is to express your love

by (few years ago!)
There's NO Hate without Love and There's NO Love without Hate

by (few years ago!)
What is the point of love, if your not willing to fight for it

by (few years ago!)
I admire, adore and love you, because you’re you

by (few years ago!)
Love never works with two perfect persons

by (few years ago!)
Muted we should all be in love, muted of any words

by (few years ago!)
We're born alone but as we grow up, we needed someone to be with us. Take care of us, and most specially, give us love

by dracula (few years ago!)
God loved the birds & created trees. Men loved the birds & invented cages.

by dracula (few years ago!)
"You're just jealous, because we act retarded in public, and people still love us."

by dracula (few years ago!)
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