Search Results for 'love'

Fun I love, but too much fun is of all things the most loathsome. Mirth is better than fun, and happiness is better than mirth.

by (few years ago!)
life may change, but it may fly not; Hope may vanish, but can die not; Truth be veiled, but still it burned; Love repulsed,

by (few years ago!)
I cannot love as I have loved, And yet I know not why; It is the one great woe of life To feel all feeling die

by (few years ago!)
Love to his soul gave eyes; he knew things are not as they seem. The dream is his real life; the world around him is the dream

by (few years ago!)
Those who never retract their opinions love themselves more than they love the truth

by (few years ago!)
The love of economy is the root of all virtue

by (few years ago!)
That's the nature of women, not to love when we love them, and to love when we love them not

by (few years ago!)
Life may change, but it may fly not; Hope may vanish, but can die not; Truth be veiled, but still it Burnett; love repulsed, - but it returneth

by (few years ago!)
love and desire are the spirit's wings to great deeds

by (few years ago!)
The love of heaven makes one heavenly

by (few years ago!)
Life has loveliness to sell, All beautiful and splendid things, Blue waves whitened on a cliff, Soaring fire that sways and sings And children faces looking up Holding wonder like a cup

by (few years ago!)
He whom the gods love dies young, while he is in health, has his senses and his judgments sound

by (few years ago!)
love and dignity cannot share the same abode

by (few years ago!)
i cannot love as I have loved, And yet I know not why; It is the one great woe of life To feel all feeling die.

by (few years ago!)
If you wish to be loved, show more of your faults than your virtues

by (few years ago!)
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