In Pakistan, telecom sector is one of the fastest emerging segments of Pakistan’s financial system. According to a survey there are about more than 100 Million mobile customers and 1.36 Million people are directly or indirectly attached with telecom industry. In early 90s, there were only one or two companies in Pakistan providing Telecom services. But today there are five companies that are providing Telecom services in Pakistan. The domination of two companies is now over and the competition has started. ‘Cheapest call in the world’ was the tagline that every operator wanted to build of its own. By reducing their call rates, the operators required to achieve additional market share.

Cheap International Calls to Pakistan have never been cheaper as today. In a non-competitive market, both incoming and outgoing calls were charged at Rs.10 by the only GSM service provider in Pakistan. Today incoming calls are totally free to and outgoing calls are charged as low as 1 Rs.Telecom companies offer cheap rates but due to government taxes, the cost of the outgoing calls has turned out to be much higher. Government should try to minimize tax on telecom companies. Every company is trying to offer lower call rates by companies are offering attractive packages to exceed its competition. You can find some of the details by writing the company name and cheap call offer. Like for e.g. Mobilink cheapest calls.
Cheap International Calls to Pakistan from Middle East and western countries are very cheap today. With such low call rates, the Average Revenue per User (ARPU) cut down from 9 dollars per month to approximately $3 per month. Companies are expanding business by giving attractive promotions and exciting prizes to its customer in reward of using their services. You can get Cheap International Calls To Pakistan packages from Skype, Vopium and Planet Talk. You can also make Free International Calls through your smartphone by using Viber.
To take maximum benefit of the technology, 3G networks will soon be available in Pakistan after CDMA and GSM networks. Different countries are using this network successfully and it is the need of the hour that Pakistan should also now take advantage of this network. Till now there is no video calling in Pakistan but after 3G it will be possible for user to make video calling at lower rates.There are also many great features of this technology such as fast connectivity of the internet, broadband facility. Calls to Pakistan will be very cheap if internet is available nationwide.