If you have a fair complexion you are lucky but you still have to work hard to maintain it. On the contrary if you don’t have fair complexion don’t worry if you follow our tips you will get one but remember slow and steady wins the race. In today’s beauty article we will tell you 3 ways to improve your skin tone. You have to work hard to keep your skin fresh, smooth and healthy. Also if you plan to prevent redness, brown spots and hyper-pigmentation issues we suggest you follow our very simple 3 Ways To Improve Your Skin Tone.

1. Be gentle on your skin
The first way among the 3 Ways To Improve Your Skin Tone is; you should avoid harsh scrubs and rigorous towel drying as much as you can. These things might cause you irritation which will make your skin look old. Also, incase you have ingrown hair, clogged pore or even a scratch from anything we suggest that you don’t touch it. Doctors say ” Women when pick at their skin, they don’t realize the damage they are causing. By picking their skin they cause post-inflammatory pigmentation and scarring. ” All this results in more breakout and added problems.
2. Stay away from smoke
Then we have the smoking problem. People who smoke do have to face skin problems, but people who don’t smoke something have to face these problem because someone they live with smoke and they have to breath in same environment. Even if you don’t smoke, sitting in a smoky room or restaurant exposes your skin to the same chemicals that cause discoloration.
3. Say yes to daily SPF
You might have heard many saying that you should not apply sun block or i am just going to the car to get my books or anything so its okay if to go in the sun without the sunblock. But guess what ? Its not okay. Exposing your skin to the sun even for that little time can cause skin damage.