Losing Language – Losing Identity

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(added few years ago!)
251. National language.
“(2) Subject to clause (1), the English language may be used for official purposes until arrangements are made for its replacement by Urdu.”
So, this means, it was supposed to be removed with our own language, but guess everyone was busy copying foreign laws, culture, morals, values, and languages, since 1973 and never got the time to even read the constitution again ?  Indeed, when we lose self-reliance, we look to others for every wisdom and support, and that’s how the dependency is created, which becomes slavery (if we look at it from broader perspective). Do you know as per The Economist report, Pakistan stood at world number 3, in terms of slavery. We have and we are fast losing our identity.
Losing Language – Losing Identity
No nation has progressed, while totally depending on the wealth, skills, knowledge and the resources of others. Even if you progress temporarily, you would not become competitive globally, and specially in this era of cut-throat competition, you can easily be suppressed and at times oppressed. What we have achieved in the past 60 years, copying others ? By copying the values of others, while trying to keep our own values intact, left us in quite a confusion, after few decades. Same is true about our language. Here’s a popular joke about our language:
“The difficulties of being Pakistani: 1) Speak Punjabi in the home; 2) Speak Urdu in school; 3) Answer exam papers in British English; 4) Speak American English in office; and 5) After death, present your account in Arabic. So consider, what can a person do but fail!”
With the worldwide propaganda and bad news associated with Pakistan, many ignorant Pakistanis, also feel bad about speaking or writing Urdu, as that psychologically attaches them with Pakistan, which is looked down upon. Another factor for the promotion of English, is the double standard of education in the country, and lack of Government control and policy over it. Where most of the government schools have lately taught all subjects in Urdu, while also teaching English as one subjects, while most, if not all, of the private schools teach all subjects in English. Further, due to the corruption in government, government schools (which caters to the majority of the population), does not uphold quality and very much looked down upon by the parents who can afford to pay high-cost of private schools, which provides a lot better education.
And this is so widespread now, since we reared it for maybe 30-40 years, many term ‘government schools’ as ‘Peela school’ (like yellow school, as most of government school building are painted in orange-cum-yellow color) or they call ‘Khada school’, both terms used derogatively. Thus, unknowingly we have created a divide among the society. Learning multiple languages is great, but discriminating on the basis of language  would not help us in any way. But don’t get me wrong, I am not promoting Urdu language specifically, neither do I encourage nationalism/chauvinism, but we should preserve our language, which is a key source of most of our cultural heritage. We shouldn’t let the globalization bombard on our values and destroy it completely. However, we can adopt good things from it as well (no specific harm in it either).
Before I conclude, let me share another fact. Both Urdu (spoken in Pakistan) and Hindi (spoken in India). are almost same, when spoken. So, that’s the reason most of Pakistanis watch Indian movies (Bollywood) and have no problem conversing with each other. But in terms of writing, they’re totally different. Urdu script is very much like Arabic, while Hindi script is, something like chinese. Important point is, to keep ties with your language and not let that die, in honour of any foreign language.
Blog post Written by Muhammad Shuja and You can visit the original article at http://www.pkhope.com/
Tags : Losing, Language, Urdu, Identity, Pakistan, Slavery, Foreign, Laws, School, Speak, Papers, Exams, Arabic, British, Propaganda, Office, Teach, Government, Peela, Hindi, Honour

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