How To Hydrate Your Skin

Posted in : Beauty Tips, Health Tips

(added few years ago!)
Though many don’t consider it an important issue, but the topic how to hydrate your skin is one of the most important issues. Hydrating your skin is one thing which is not age, gender or skin type dependent. Your skin needs to be hydrated regardless how old are you, what type of skin you have, or you are a male or a female. Lack of hydration can cause a lot of problems for your skin. In today’s beauty article we will tell you how to hydrate your skin.  
How To Hydrate Your Skin
How to Hydrate Your Skin
Girls or women who have dry skin, they know the importance of hydration where as  people with oily skin, they think since they have oily skin they need not to hydrate your skin. But its a fallacy, everyone needs to hydrate their skin. People with oily skin think they if they hydrate their skin they their skin will become susceptible to breakouts and acne. Yes, it is true that there is no product more suitable for skin prone to greasiness than the light quickly absorbed fluid. But even oily skin can be dehydrated and in cases such as these, the fluid is insufficient in compensating for the lack of moisture.
The important question here is who can your skin both be oily and hydrated ? The simple answer is when you are trying to get rid of the oil from your skin, your aggressive methods destroy the natural mechanisms of your skin, thus causing your skin to get hydrated. This way the skin is forced to compensate for its losses and overproduction of sebum is triggered. The skin becomes even oilier.If your skin is both oily and dehydrated, the use of moisturizing products will reduce the shine. While choosing the moisturizer, make sure you choose the one which is near to your skin type so that it supply all the moisturizer that is needed by your skin.
The next important ingredient for hydrating your skin is Water. Water is the most important factor for hydrating your skin.Washing the face with water offers none of the positive effects that drinking water gives you. On the contrary – water can dry your skin, depleting its fatty reserves. This is why your skin often feels dry after taking a bath or shower. Use lotion to relieve your skin and replenish it’s moisture
Blog post Written by Sana and You can visit the original article at
Tags : Hydrate, Skin, Beauty, Health, Water, Body, Female, Oily, Acne, Breakouts, Moisture, Effect

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(added few years ago!) / 2365 views

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