Covering Sunburns With Makeup

Posted in : Beauty Tips

(added few years ago!)
Due to the extreme heat this year, i imagine a lot of you must be facing the problem of sun-burn. And i can bet on it that they look ugly and hideous. Though there are some homemade remedies of medicine which will help you get rid of them eventually, but what happens if you have sun burn marks which are fading off and suddenly there is a party and you have to gothere !! What will you do ??  I will tell you what to do; you cover the hideous sunburns marks with the help of makeup. In today’s beauty article we will tell you ways for covering sunburns with makeup.
Covering Sunburns With Makeup
Covering Sunburns With Makeup
* We would suggest that if in case you have server sunburn you should go to the doctor because it might become more dangerous if not taken care properly.  Anyways this article is for people who have sunburn marks.
* If you do not have server sunburn it is perfectly alright for you to apply makeup to cover the sunburn marks. But you have to be very careful while applying makeup on these marks as the wrong color can make you look dark and ugly or you  may look even more fried then before. In case your face is really pink, the best approach to it is; you smooth on a tinted moisturizerto tone it down.
* Now incase you have those splotches of bright red skin, then what you should do is; start with the tip of your nose because that is usually the most effected area, dab a stick concealer, which has thicker consistency, and then you should dust a yellowish face powder to neutralize redness. And you have to avoid any shimmery makeup, as that will make your skin look worse. Avoid pink, orange and berry colors, you can always go to shimmer-free bronzer blush on for your cheeks. Then we come to lipsticks, here too avoid to bright colors, infact we would suggest either you apply transparent lip-gloss or go for nude lip stick. And go for beige or light brown mat shadow on your lids.
Blog post Written by dua and You can visit the original article at
Tags : Cover, Sun, Burn, Makeup, Fashion, Beauty, Tips, Splotches, Face, Powder, Nose, Color, Dark, Stick, Skin, Cheeks, Bright, Lips, Brown, Heat, Party

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(added few years ago!) / 2015 views

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