The Fading Concept of “The Land Of Pure”!

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(added few years ago!)

The Fading Concept of “The Land Of Pure”!

The land we walk on today- The roofs we live under -  And the air we breath in……None of these belongs to us. They have been handed over to us as part of our inheritance. In fact they have been given to us for our safe custody and handing down to our descendents at our deaths, they really belong to the Martyrs of 1947 – The millions of people who died while migrating to this sacred land. Sorry, Did I say die? I meant the people who were brutally murdered. So this floor beneath our feet has been irrigated by the purest and finest liquid ever introduced on earth, the blood of martyrs! Look around yourself for one instant. Are you doing what you are supposed to do? Are you keeping it out of harm? Are you playing your part in advancing it? Are you respecting the sacred blood of martyrs?Are you even recognizing the fact that the people who shed that blood were, are and will always stay your enemies??

I will give a hell NO for the answers. What are we doing today? Criticizing our leaders. Blaming others for today’s decline. We all are doing mistakes on our part. Neither do we recognize nor do we try to change them. Instead we tend to settle for the status quo and that what has been bringing us down. Take yourself as an example. You abuse your leaders and call them unworthy (everyone does). But you don’t stop from being unworthy on your own level. You cheat in exams, you use foul language, keeping it discreet from your parents. You flirt around, often acting as foolish perverts. But to your eyes, there is nothing wrong with all this, its just the leaders who are corrupt. Brothers, this land is a gift. A gift bestowed upon us directly from Almighty Allah. This is the fort of Islam, the place marked to bring about the rise of Islam. We shall not let our ancestors’ blood go for nothing.It is high time we start striving for our future and the greater good.Its about time we start going aboard with words like “Pakistan ka kuch nahi banyega”.
Its time we show the world what we are really made of.Its time we show them that we are invincible because we have Allah with us. Its time we stop criticizing and start changing ourselves. Put your hand on your heart and pledge to yourself….You will change on your own part. You wont cheat, abuse or act as perverts or whatever bad we do. You will stop any wrong you come across by either your hand or your mouth. You will stop the wrong, even if it takes your life. Remember, we are “Mard-e-Momin”, and there is nothing that we cant do. So fold your cuffs, tighten your belts, take a deep breath, say Allah’s name and start working on this internal revolution. YOU are the society. You change yourself, the society changes automatically. Do it because its ‘Now or Never’. You never know when your heart stops breathing and you will have to face Allah and answer the spirits of millions of brave-heart ed martyrs. I don’t think any of us is ready as yet to face them. May Allah guide us all and bring better days to Islam and Pakistan. JazakAllah
The article has been contributed by Guest Contributor Haider Butt
Blog post Written by HEAL PAKISTAN and You can visit the original article at
Tags : Fade, Concept, Land, Pure, Pakistan, Enemies, Death, Martyrs, Leaders, Heart, Allah

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(added few years ago!) / 1608 views

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