Life is not about finding yourself it is about creating yourself. Another year is just over the horizon many people will be thinking about how to make next year better than this year and will probably even make a new year’s resolution.
As Charles Lamb said “New Year’s Day is every man’s birthday”. Many people will be trying to change old habits, create new ones, work harder, find the new friends, spend more time with family, earn more money, quit smoking, and lose weight, and so many more new goals and ambitions.
The New Year is a great time to review our past and plan for better future. As Edward Payson said “The Old Year has gone, let the dead past bury its own dead. The New Year has taken possession of the clock of time. All hail the duties and possibilities of the coming twelve months”. For any authentic change to occur there has to be a long term commitment. It is all good and well to write down a little wish list and get energized over it for a few days or a few weeks, that’s the easy part it takes maybe 30 minutes of dedication to come up with a list of goals and ambitions for the next year. But it takes a lot longer to achieve them, particularly if it is a lifelong habit you plan to change or improve.
Every 12 months, as the New-Year turn round, we all brag on our New-Year’s Resolutions but normally our vision extends no further than our own noses and we usually don’t follow through on our “Me Orientated” resolutions and goals. In a matter of months, and sometimes even weeks, we’ve elapsed all about our “new improved” personality, which results in thoughts of disappointment and failure. Most ‘experts’ enlighten not to elevate our expectations too high and on the other hand, perhaps we fail because we don’t set out goals high enough. Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there but bear in mind goal not written is only a wish. As Albert Einstein said “If you want to live a happy life, tie to a goal, not to people or things”
Watch your thoughts, for they become words,
Watch your words, for they become actions,
Watch your actions, for they becomes habits,
Watch your habits, for they become character,
Watch your character, for if becomes your destiny.
Here, I would like to take risk and put forward one resolution that might last a year, or, maybe even, a lifetime – a resolution that will make you feels good about yourself. The idea is simple!!! You do something good for other people. These people cannot ‘repay’ you… They are encouraged to pay-it-forward. In turn, doing something good for someone else. And so on and so forth. The mathematics is simple. If I’ll do something positive for 3 people and these 3 people in turn do something for 3 other people (each) – we have already impacted 9 people in total.

These 9 people will make a difference in 27 people’s life, which in their turn will touch 81 people’s hearts… See how fast it grows??? This year, you can use the same rule to create the world a better place and a peace full place as Martin Luther said, “Life most urgent question is: What are you doing for others?” and to make a positive impact on humanity, to make a positive impact on the environment, to take a step toward a peace full future, to life like there is a tomorrow and to ensure the next generation does not forget the lessons of the past, we will have to work together as Helen Keller said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”.
Blog post Written by Mirza Abdul Aleem Baig and You can visit the original article at