ZONG Directory connects you to businesses in Pakistan. Find company listings, search local businesses, products and services, with our motto "if it's in Pakistan, it's on ZONG Directory". With this unique service you can find information by entering any 'keyword' like 'McDonalds, Lahore. Moreover the customers can also subscribe to the latest deals and offers of their favorite places in their own town.
How to subscribe
The customer will send the desired place, city e.g. MacDonald’s, Karachi to 5005 through SMS.
The customer can subscribe the latest deals and offers of the following categories by a push SMS.
Restaurants and Deals
Shopping and Specialty Stores
Health and Personal Care
Charges |
Search |
Rs 3+T/SMS |
Subscription |
Rs.10+T/month |
How to unsubscribe
In order to deactivate the subscription please write "unsub" and send it to 7700.