In a turn of events, The Economic Times has reported that technology titan Apple will cancel the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The report also states that the brand will also increase the current price-tags of their iPhones. On the other hand, entry-level iPhones are comparatively cheaper to afford, which is why for most individuals they are the go-to ones. This will leave the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus as the bottom rung and, in India, the prices will increase as well. This decision will help Apple reinforce the brand’s ‘premiumness’ in the markets in India.

Apple India shared that iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus will be 5,000 rupees more expensive than the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, but their prices will not increase. The Economic Times also reported that Apple will pull iPhones from the shelves from any retailers smaller than 350-400 square feet in size in order to have bigger stores focus and push the more expensive variants. This strategy is something very different than what we have seen Apple do with the Chinese markets. The brand has slashed their prices multiple times in order for the consumers to buy them. There is uncertainty if this strategy in India will be of any help, increasing the price of their entry-level set will demotivate a consumer, probably not motivate one.
Blog post Written by Anusha Sachwani and you can visit the original article at