Moisturize you Dry Lips

Posted in : Beauty Tips

(added few years ago!)

Whenever we go to a party to get ready ourselves for a deluxe makeup, there are many things that start to appear in bad way. Most of you might find your lips to be a bad shape and are devastated at it. Well, you do not need to worry about this anymore. I have selected for you a home remedy that will help your lips look pulpy again. You just need a petroleum jelly and a soft tooth brush, you can get one new or you can also use your old one and make this beauty tip more economical.

Step No. 1: Take some petroleum and apply it using your fingers on your lips.

Step No. 2: Now use the brush to give your lips a soft and gentle massage in a circular motion.

Step No. 3: Use a tissue paper to wipe off excess petroleum jelly from your lips.

Tooth brush circular motion will help you remove dead skin from your lips and petroleum jelly will help your lips get healthy again. If you want your lips to look beautiful and pulpy again, use this beauty tip and say good bye to your dry, scaly lips.

Blog post Written by Madiha and You can visit the original article at

Tags : Moisturize, Dry Lips, makeup, beauty tips

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