They say that humanity is an essential part of all religions, no matter what color or culture we may belong to, it is what keeps us humane. Facebook, has taken an initiative to take this good deed a bit further with the help of technology. The social media platform, being the world’s biggest, is now informing blood donors of emergencies near their location. The company launched this feature in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and nearby countries. In order to be a part of it, the user simply has to click here. After the link opens, click on ‘start helping now’. You will be asked to fill in information, in regards to your blood type and if you have donated blood before.

When You Hit ‘Submit’ You Will Then See This Message

You Can Even Share The Life Event With Your Friends To Motive And Aware Them About The Cause!

“People using Facebook in Pakistan will be able to sign up to be blood donors either on their profiles or by visiting All information will remain private and set to Only Me by default, but people can choose to share their donor status more widely. This feature will be available on Android, iOS and desktop,” Facebook’s press release said.
According to the social media giant, there are thousands of posts each month in Pakistan seeking blood donors on Facebook, and over 100,000 people in blood donation groups.
“Pakistan, like many countries, has a shortage of safe blood. In some cases, this shortage means patients and their families are responsible for finding donors to replace the blood they receive from blood banks or hospitals,” the press release stated.
The feature will help bring together donors, non-profit organisations, and health industry to be “useful to people”.
Blog post Written by Anusha Sachwani and you can visit the original article at