According to a Gilani Research Foundation Survey carried out by Gallup Pakistan 45% say they suffer from Political Apathy or lack of interest in active political participation.
A nationally representative sample of men and women from across the four provinces was asked “Different people have different view about government and politics. Kindly tell how much interest you and your friends have in politics?” Responding to this 45% claim that they have no interest in politics, 36% claim to have some interest whereas 12% claim to have an active interest in politics. However 7% did not give a view.
The study was released by Gilani foundation and carried out by Gallup Pakistan, the Pakistani affiliate of Gallup International. The recent survey was carried out among a sample of 2700 men and women in rural and urban areas of all four provinces of the country, during February 19 – February 25, 2012. Error margin is estimated to be approximately ± 2-3 per cent at 95% confidence level.
Blog post Written by JazbaBlog and You can visit the original article at http://www.jazbablog.com/