Lychee is found in the Muzaffarpur district of Indian state Bihar and also in some parts of Pakistan. It was found that most of the children were affected by the mysterious disease in this area among them most of the children were diet due to the suspicious disease. The main cause of the death was not known. The scientists have pointed out the main reason behind this disease and the fatalities were the chemical, which was found in lychee. This fruit is mostly used in Bihar and it was discovered that this fruit has direct concern with these fatalities. The scientists found that the main reason behind these fatalities was the chemical which was found in lychee.

Lychee as the Cause of Death
The disease spread through this fruit is called as ‘Chamki’ and it was usually spreads during the months of May and June every year and this disease claimed lives of many children. The figures pointed out that only 390 children were admitted in two hospitals of the city in 2014 and 122 children were survived from this disease and remaining children were died due to this fruit. The scientists of India and America carried out the joint efforts and it was found that this disease was caused by eating lychee on empty stomach. The research activity was carried out for three years and this research report was published in the world famous science magazine, Lancet global. The research activity shows that lychee is contained with the toxic chemical, Hypoglycin A and they confirmed that the toxic chemical present in this fruit of Asian lychee tree is responsible to spread this fatal brain sickness disease among the children of the area, where this fruit is grown commercially. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India made a request to the qualified clinical pediatrician, Dr John from Christian Medical College India. He visited Bihar and stay there to carry out the study over this disease.
He said that the children affected by this disease, were found low blood sugar levels, which aided the metabolic diseases. He observed that only under-nourished children living near the orchards of lychee were appeared to suffer during May and June. The signs of the diseases in the victims are brain cell damage, and seizure, which show the toxin and nourishment was not caused to outbreak this disease. When the blood and urine test of the patients were carried out, it was found that their blood and urine samples are included with traces of chemical compounds in the children. Most of the children left their meal and they overate lychee on empty stomach. The malnourished children were prone to catch this disease on the consumption of lychee. The fine quality lychee is produced in Muzaffarpur and it is also exported to the market all over the world and the parents of the affected children said that their kids spend most of their time in the farms of lychee during its harvesting season and they eat lychee and they skip their normal meals. The doctors have recommended to residents to eat this fruit in limited amount and they should follow the balanced diet.
Lychee in Pakistan
Lychee is the delicious fruit and it is also popular in Pakistan. Sardar Faqie Singh of Dera Dune, India introduced this fruit in Pakistan in 1932 and it was remained the most exotic plant until 1960s, when the commercial production of the fruit was started from few orchards in Lahore. The cultivation of this fruit was carried out mostly in Punjab but the weather conditions of Sindh was hot but it is also grown there in limited quantity. There is 95% produced fruit, which is marketed through the pre-harvest contractors and the fruits are mostly commercialized with the use of baskets with 20-80 kg net weight. The harvesting season of this fruit is distributed in the provinces. The production of this fruit is started in Sindh in May and in Punjab in June and in KPK in July. The doctors and scientists have carried out the research work and it is highly recommended to avoid eat this fruit in excessive quantity on empty stomach even the fruit has not been tested for the chemical traces.