Survive Your Teenage Years with Natural Acne Remedies

Posted in : Beauty Tips

(added few years ago!)
Acne is one of the biggest issues of teenagers due to their fluctuating hormone levels they have to face the problem of pimples which makes their face look ugly and face with acne also gives bad unimpressive looks. For getting rid of the acne, teenagers use different products that damage the skin and the effect of those items are for short time after which the acne problem again start bothering the teenager so, given below are some tips that help the individuals in making their face acne free with Natural Acne Remedies.
Survive Your Teenage Years with Natural Acne Remedies
Survive Your Teenage Years with Natural Acne Remedies:
1) Lemon is known as a great natural product when it comes to clearing the face from the dark spots which are caused by the acne. As it contains antibacterial properties; it stops bacteria from breeding on the follicles and by rubbing the lemon on the face, one can get clear skin as it helps in making the dark spots look lighter. After washing the face, one should apply sunscreen on the face to protect the skin from the sun rays which can damage it.
2) Another excellent technique of clearing the face and solving the problem of acne is using the baking soda do not contain any harmful chemical which damages the skin. For using the baking soda, make a paste of it by mixing it with water and then apply it on the pimples. This paste should be applied for almost ten minutes, after that it should be washed with cold water and for getting good results; this paste can be applied two times in a day.
3) Mint can also be used for soothing the skin from the irritation and redness caused by acne. Make the juice for the mint leaves by grinding it and for getting the good result, one can apply the juice on the acne for as many times as he/she wants. There is no need to use the artificial products with harmful ingredients when there are natural products available which help in getting rid of acne issue without causing any irritation or harmful effect to the skin.
Every teenager should use natural method instead of dangerous creams containing chemicals.
Blog post Written by geotauaisay and you can visit the original article at
Tags : Survive, Teenage, Years, Natural, Acne, Remedies, Looks, Beauty, Beautiful, Women, Girls, Ladies, Damage, Skin, Care, Face, Products, Lemon, Method, Tips, Baking, Soda, Mint, Juice, Food, Diet, Proper, Effect

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