Fake Palmists and Exorcists

Posted in : Gossips

(added few years ago!)

It is said that love is blind and it cracks relationships. To get our loved one is not an easy task but some fake palmists have eased it for us fortunately and now our beloved is in our feet surely. It certainly happens with every body during their journey in buses these days that some disciples are standing on the roads holding a cards in their hands. At the bus stops, they throw cards inside buses through windows. The cards introduce a fake palmist or exorcist with some very attractive sentences written on them for instance.

“Your beloved one is now in your feet surely. Every work hundred percent guaranteed. If there is obstacle in love marriage or you need cure for black magic, if you desire to have offspring or you are facing any difficulty, contact us for hundred percent cure and remedy within 24 hours”.

It is very pity that not only illiterate but educated people are also among the victim of these kinds of conjurers in abundance. They are forgetting that none can remedy or cure their sorrows but Allah. It is obviously written on the cards that hundred per cent sure cure for every difficulty is guaranteed but how is it possible? Do they have magical sticks to heal all the problems engulfing the people?

Most often it keeps publishing in the newspapers that exorcist raped a girl or a woman and fled away nonetheless, the curtain on the eyes of the public did not fall down unfortunately. The media in this regard have performed a positive role and exposed these fake exorcists who have been either looting the public’s property or playing with their women’s respect for several years.

The media, government, law enforcing agencies and religious parties including religious clerics or Ulema should perform their role in a better way to stem illegal activities done by these false palmists and exorcists. Also it is the responsibility of the public to resort to Allah Almighty Who can just heal all their sorrows as He says “Ask for me, I must give you” and He is nearer than their jugular vein hence, they should directly ask to Allah Almighty with confidence and He would surely give them a lot and solve all their problems.

Blog post Written by Muhammad Noman Rao and You can visit the original article at http://www.thenewstribe.com/

Tags : Fake, Palmists, Exorcists

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