English Captain Cook is an average batsman with nothing to write home about when it comes to any considerable achievements in the field. Just a mediocre average of 36, Cook has made most of his runs against the minnows on the home grounds. Naturally Alastair Cook feels threatened by the fiery Muhammad Amir who has returned to the international cricket after completing his ban sentence of 5 long years. As the test series looms large and Amir already shown his mettle against Somerset, English media and scared Cook are after him.

In a very gutless statement, Cook has said that Amir will have to face ‘consequences’ in the form of a hostile reception when he plays the first Test at Lord’s from July 14. Well, Cook has no right to say that. Whatever English audience does will be done but who is Cook to judge that? Pakistan has to work hard and especially Amir must make sure to remain cool and calm and behave. He must silence all these attacks by his performance. He has to perform as there is no other option for him at all. The world is watching him very closely. And Cook must remember that Pakistan is not Sri Lanka.