In an ACE move, Nawaz Sharif has snatched the initiative from Imran Khan, establishment and some other elements who were gearing up to stir up mass movement on streets by exploiting the issue of PanamaLeaks. Sensing the buildup, Nawaz didn’t allow them to any leeway and announced judicial commission. In a very calculated and passionate way, he quite unexpectedly decided to hold a national address on television instead of a press conference or any statement from his office. By listing down how his family started business, struggles all along, and how his sons established their business he culminated it by announcing a judicial commission headed by a retired supreme court judge.

As the issue is global and many head of states and other dignataries are involved, heat has come to Pakistan. Though nothing illegal has been found, morals are compromised when it comes to offshore companies. Imran Khan was basically arguing that Nawaz used his kids to store ill-gotten money abroad. Nawaz says its not his companies but his sons’ and its not ill-gotten money rather the funds came from selling a factory in Saudi Arabia during their exile. His most valid point is that people don’t form companies in their own names with ill-gotten money. Now judicial commission is there and Imran Khan could go there any time with his proofs and complaints. But remember that Nawaz Sharif also formed a judicial commission before sit-in of Imran Khan but Imran never went there. It may be was too late but this time timing is important and Imran doesn’t enjoy that popularity and there is no General Zaheer or Pasha this time in service.