All this hue and cry over the #PanamaPapers is simply political point scoring and nothing else. Thanks to Umar Cheema, Imran Khan seem to have got a new life along with other conspirators like Tahir ul Qadri, General Pasha etc. If you closely read these papers, you come to know that there is not a single wrong doing done by Sharif family. Nothing is illegal. All is within ambit of the constitution. In fact, all this ruckus about offshore companies by Sharif family has nothing to do with Pakistan. This all was done and managed and still being managed abroad without any Pakistani money.

Musharraf also probed this with vengeance but produced nothing .Just because Imran Khan is darling of media so that is why this issue is being blown out of proportions. Umar Cheema has got it’s scoop and now every anchor want’s his day under the sun. “Money did come from Pakistan to meet our living expenses during the time of exile, but nothing came from Pakistan to establish businesses abroad,” Hussain Nawaz has said in media. Now NAB should probe than and until than hawaldar anchors should shut up instead of staging media courts. Over 200 Pakistanis have been identified and the counting is still in progress. The admits that it does not mean that all those having offshore companies have ill-gotten money or are involved in tax evasion or money-laundering. So if Imran Khan is thinking that Nawaz Sharif would be ousted on the basis of this, he is then as usual living in fool’s paradise.