Ishrat Ebad and Aamir Liaquat Meet Mustafa Kamal

Posted in : Politics

(added few years ago!)
According to confirm sources of from the governor house Karachi; former city Nazim of Karachi Mustafa Kamal has met secretly with governor Sindh Ishratul Ebad. Anis QaimKhani was also present at that occasion along with some powerful people. Ishratul Ebad is being touted as Altaf Hussain’s replacement for quite sometime and now the establishment has decided to oil the wheels and make it happen. With the leadership of Ishratul Ebad, fiery yet clean record of Mustafa Kamal, organizational skills and deep knowledge of MQM machine held by Anis Qaim Khani; things are all set to takeover MQM. That is the reason Mustafa Kamal never named his party or dished out any flag. Hammad Siddiqui, Raza Haroon, Faisal Sabzwari and Anis Advocate are other big names who will defect on cue one after another.
Ishrat Ebad and Aamir Liaquat Meet Mustafa Kamal
They all have same reservations about Altaf Hussain and all of them never forgot their humiliation at 90 by criminal wing of MQM. It’s just matter of time before it happens. Another interesting stealth meeting happened between politician turned TV personality Aamir Liaquat and Mustafa Kamal in defense. Aamir Liaquat smells some serious rewards here and he can sense that joining Kamal would bring lots of highly cherished fruits. But unlike others Aamir Liaquat would make his support for Kamal public when there will be no risk and game would be totally and irreversibly against Altaf Hussain. All Karachi needs is getting rid of the fact that their city is hostage to a man in London who controls the city with remote control. They would welcome anything as replacement as they just want to break these shackles.
Blog post Written by Dr. Hassan Isfahani and you can visit the original article at
Tags : Ishrat Ebad, Aamir Liaquat, Meet, Mustafa Kamal, Pakistan, Politics, Mustafa Kamal, Government, Altaf Hussain, MQM, Danger, Zone, Party, Anis Qaim Khani, Hammad Siddiqui, Raza Haroon, Faisal Sabzwari, Anis Advocate

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(added few years ago!) / 2528 views

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