Privatize PIA Now

Posted in : Local News, Politics

(added few years ago!)
PIA employees simply don’t want to work. They have been enjoying for so long and now as this government challenges the status quo and is trying to save PIA from closure; these employees have joined together to save their status quo. First time, all the labour unions of PIA including the elite PALPA have come together to keep government from making PIA corporate. These slacker employees know that if PIA goes corporate, they would have to work and earn their living instead of just sleeping and slacking at job. These employees have devastated the PIA over the years.
Privatize PIA Now
If PIA isn’t made a private corporation, it will eventually go down the drain because it has become a white elephant just like Steel Mills. Especially during Musharraf and PPP era, thousands of irregular and illegal recruitment were made and now these people are screaming. Government must not kowtow in front of these slackers. Government must establish its writ. Let them go on strike or whatever. Just dismiss them without any perks and privileges and hire new one. Government should try to make alternate arrangements for pilot, crew and engineers, but if its not arranged just close down PIA for sometime and reopen it with new employees. There are thousands of people which can be arranged from abroad and from air force. Lets’ save PIA and privatize it now.
Blog post Written by Ali Yar Khan and you can visit the original article at
Tags : Privatize, PIA, Pakistan, Airlines, Government, Politics, Corporate, Labour, Pilot, Crew, Engineers, PPP, Employees, Jobs

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(added few years ago!) / 1582 views

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