Disneyland in Lahore

Posted in : Entertainment

(added few years ago!)
Ordinary Pakistanis cannot go to Hong Kong, Dubai, Malaysia or Singapore to get them and their families entertained on world-class theme parks and aquarium. In Pakistan, for common people there is literally nothing to celebrate and unwind. All Pakistanis do in the name of entertainment and relaxation is to watch TV. Now majority of Pakistanis have turned them off too because all the get from their TVs these days is rubbish. In morning they suffer through the mindless morning shows by weird ladies and gentlemen. In the evening, they all these get is Aristotle-like anchors and their crazy guests shouting at each other.
Disneyland in Lahore
That adds to the frustration and anxiety and proves again that TV is an idiot box. In this situation, the only respite is to go out to parks or restaurants. Now the number of parks are very limited and already swarming with the people. Restaurants also are teeming with customers and are expensive too. People want some healthy and truly refreshing activity. Shahbaz Sharif’s step to engage a Chinese company to build Disneyland in Lahore is a great one. With Rs. 36billion, Chinese company will bring in its own private investment. These theme park will include world class rides, roller coasters and a magnificent aquarium. This will not only provide a great entertainment to public but would also create jobs and business and would enhance the tourism. This will be a self-paying project.
Blog post Written by Salman Mugsi and you can visit the original article at http://www.pkhope.com/
Tags : Disney, Land, Lahore, Hong Kong, Dubai, Malaysia, Families, Entertainment, Public, Parks, Refresh, Punjab, Restaurants, Shahbaz Sharif, Investment

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(added few years ago!) / 2353 views

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