Hyper pigmentation is a skin disorder in which black spots occur on the skin. It is due to increase in the amount of melanin, that’s dark pigment in skin. Pregnancy, exposure to sunlight, age and certain disease affect the workability of melanin and its amount increase and results in darks spots on skin called as hyper pigmentation. It spoils your natural beauty. Women think that once they are affected by hyper pigmentation, they cannot get rid of hyper pigmentation. But here we have a trick that tells you How to get rid of hyper pigmentation.

Now you can easily get rid of darks spots on your skin. You just need two ingredients, they are:-
1) Turmeric powder
2) Lemon juice
3) Those with sensitive skin replace lemon juice by milk or dilute it.
Mix 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder with 1 tablespoon of squeezed lemon juice. Apply the mixture on the darks spots or affected areas on skin. Leave it to dry for 15 minutes. After that rinse it with cold water. Repeat it once or twice a day until you get productive results. Turmeric powder makes your skin shinny while lemon juice whitens the skin and removes all the dead cells due to which hyper pigmentation occurs. Now don’t ask the doctors, How to get rid of hyper pigmentation? Just follow this trick and you’ll have productive results.