Araib Khan Not Just Got Expelled But Also Lost Job!

Posted in : Politics

(added few years ago!)
The student who has been expelled from Karachi University for inviting Ayyan Ali the famous model who was being arrested in case of money laundering. Ayyan was on bail when Araib Khan invited Ayyan in the University as guest, the case made KU’s reputation doubted so in response they expelled the student now Araib Khan is not just expelled from university but also lost his job over the issue.
Araib Khan Not Just Got Expelled But Also Lost Job!
Araib Khan has now requested KU to give him another chance and has also submitted application to Sindh Government to look into the issue. Araib Khan is the only son and his family counts on him. The issue has already caused a lot of embarrassment to him but his act was not so big that he had to face such consequences. The university must have kept check over who visits the premises as well there should be prior permission procedure implemented to avoid such circumstances. The appeal of Araib Khan is valid to some extend that his future should not suffer for such mistake which could have had any other punishment.
Blog post Written by geotauaisay and you can visit the original article at
Tags : Araib Khan, Expelled, Lost, Job, Politics, Ayyan Ali, Invite, Karachi, University, Guest, Reputation, Sindh, Government, Case, Money, Laundry

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(added few years ago!) / 2042 views

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