Things that Remind You its Monday!

Posted in : General

(added few years ago!)
Its a normal behavior and it is very commonly experienced in every region that you feel Monday blues. Throughout the day certain things will keep reminding you that it is Monday and will make you hate the day even more. First of all things you morning alarm will sound like the worst thing in the entire world and the love affair between you and your bed would be in the air, feeling like you were meant to be a part of each other till reality check. When you come back in senses after realizing you are extremely getting late. If you are in Pakistan the mini heart attack you will get if you find out that there is no electricity. So the day which was named by some one ages ago is hated the most among all the other days. There are very few people who like Monday’s but the majority is of the opinion to have the worst feeling of their lives and just keep on wondering how could a day be such a bitch. There are few things which will keep reminding you that its Monday but you gotta beat the blues and be awesome.
Things that Remind You its Monday!
You are Still Not Out Of the Weekend Laziness
No matter how much you have been resting all weekend, Monday will never be as fresh as it should be. You will feel tired and will not be wanting to come out of it. The unexplained laziness will keep you reminding that it is Monday and it sucks but you need to keep yourself motivated as nothing will take you out of this situation, you have to deal with it.
You Just Wont Adjust to Your Work
You will not be getting back to track, you will loose focus of your work. you will lose track of you work all day, but its going to be the most hectic day of the week as you take hold of things left at weekend back. You hate it or whatever this will charge you up for the rest of the week
You will find Excuses to Leave Early
You will definitely do less work and feel like you have achieved all the due milestones. You will tend to leave early on Monday than on any other day.
Your Unfinished Plans of Sunday
You weekend stuff will keep you occupied all day, this time would be the best to get thoughts of all the unfinished stuff you left at home over the weekend or the stuff that you should have done over the weekend.
You Will Be Fresh But Not Willing to Work
If you truly analyse your self, you will be fresh but its the Monday sickness that will not let you do any of the work. You will feel lack of willingness to do work. This will keep reminding you that there is something wrong, the world has messed everything up and then you will realize damn its the bloody Monday sickness
After Party Effects 
If you had parties on Sunday night don’t expect your Monday will go fine. You will feel tired and not get fresh for work at all because obviously the parties end late at night and you don’t get enough sleep to be prepared for work. Those will also keep reminding you.
You Will Question Yourself If That Was Your Dream Job
On Mondays it is the day when you reach at work and start looking at things around and you start thinking, was I even born to do this? it is just due to the after effects of weekend that you hate everything about your work unless and until you really have an amazing work place.
All these things will keep on Reminding you that it is Monday and like this the Monday blues, sickness and hatred will keep on growing and you will realize that every Monday passes like this and you can over come this easiy as you have no other choice you can’t skip it. Have a Happy Monday Everyone.
Blog post Written by geotauaisay and you can visit the original article at
Tags : Things, Remind, Monday, Normal, Behavior, Active, Sleepy, Adjust, Work, Excuses, Leave, Early, Plans, Fresh, Party, Effects, Unfinished, Tired, People, Hectic, Weekend

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(added few years ago!) / 1968 views

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