Ashen look at the face of Reham Khan after she was ousted from PTI by her new husband and PTI chief Imran Khan was something to behold. On the surface, Imran gathered the applause that he walked the talk and had said no to the nepotism and family politics. Analysts like Nusrat Javed and various others have different point of view. The news coming out of PTI core circle also tells that everything is not right. Shah Mehmood Qureshi openly criticized Reham Khan handling the Haripur election campaign where PTI lost with big margin in NA19.

Shah Mehmood Qureshi told Imran Khan in front of other party leaders that due to Reham’s interference the KPK chapter of PTI was not happy as they felt bossed around. Reham had told the KPK local leadership to stay away as she wanted to run the affairs and then take credit of win. She was so sure about the victorious outcome. In her public gatherings, in her speeches, she focused more on herself. Her repetition of ‘Bhabi’ keyword wasn’t liked by the PTI workers and now it seems by Imran Khan too. PTI workers openly criticized her on the social media and asked her to stay away from the politics. They said to her that they accepted her as wife of their leader, but she wasn’t their leader. Nusrat Javed has aptly said that Reham committed the sin of going ‘Over the Top’ or OTT in short and he is so right.