PMLN’s alacrity and lethargy has become their hallmark now. They either delay the decisions or take them in such a haste that it leaves a trail of damage which then has to be controlled by backtracking. They have been doing that for more than two years now and so far they are lucky to have survived. Speaker Ayaz Sadiq of National Assembly ended up with egg on his face as he accelerated the acceptance of MQM resignations. Perhaps he was still feeling the heat which was generated by establishment in anger, after his needless call to the MQM head Altaf Hussain who is at loggerheads with Pindi right now. Speaker perhaps wanted to prove to establishment that like them he also didn’t want to see MQM in parliament for another second. When Nawaz Sharif, the Prime Minister who recently has become an honorary professor in Belarus, learned that , he was livid.

He knows that any party leaving parliament right now means weakening of his government. Nawaz Sharif wants to keep the carrot of assembly seat dangling for MQM while beating them dead in Karachi through operation. And as we have mentioned the operation in Karachi, it is a success if you go out on to the street. People tell you about it in no so muffled voices and you can sense the positive vibe out there. MQM perhaps took resignations way too easily. They didn’t think that there would even be a chance of accepting them. They were shocked when media started flashing the news that their resignations were accepted. They hurried to the talk shows and said that why it happened in such a haste if compared to the PTI resignations. Altaf Hussain also got a shocker and now hinting at taking them back. MQM also seems docile. Government has openly said that they don’t intend to accept them. So it means that everybody will work on the same old salary but the operation will go on in Karachi, and that’s the main thing.