People Inspire People

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(added few years ago!)
A good deed may be a small one, can inspire others. There is a basic good in human which develops if it finds conducive environment. The prime qualities which are enshrined in human also include love for good which only wants a friendly atmosphere to develop. Every act of kindness gives a motivation to others and results in many acts of kindness performed by majority of the people. Being a wonderful creation of Allah, man carries innumerable good qualities but the environment he got actually develops his personality apart from that there is a basic good or a wish for good in humans. There is some sort of inner call for doing good and when answered it gives satisfaction, peace and joy to one’s soul and conscience. Doing good needs an intentional activity and this activity is largely caused when one look at others while they are doing good. Helping others is the best example in this context; we strongly feel a force that drives us to help when we look others while they are helping the people. When we help someone by heart, we certainly feel a tremendous amount of calmness in ourselves, which gives us a sort of divine joy and satisfaction.
People Inspire People
Good deeds, helping others and removing the hardships of others are the deeds which feed our soul. Good deeds cause happiness in our life. A person who always tries to help others is often the most happiest and satisfied one we know. It is our inner good by the virtue of which we recognize a person as a “good person” who help others and remove the hardships of their lives. Such “good person” gives us inspiration and it initiates a mental process in which the main question we ask ourselves is that where we are standing? Kindness never goes unrewarded. Every kind deed will pay u back in this world or hereafter. By helping others and by bringing easiness in their lives we can bring a smile on their faces as well as we can earn peace and satisfaction for our souls. We can also set an example for others to follow and inspire others; as a result we will see a lot of good deeds and kindness everywhere around us. This will make world a happy place to live, where there is care and love for each other. By this we can fulfill our wish for good and can also achieve the perfection of human nature.
As commented by Adam Smith:
” To feel much for others and little for ourselves; to restrain our selfishness and exercise our benevolent affections, constitute the perfection of human nature”.
So keep inspiring people around you!
By Ammar Ali Sheikh
LL.M Scholar 
PULC Lahore
Blog post Written by Ammar Ali and you can visit the original article at
Tags : People, Inspire, Good, Deed, Conducive, Environment, Kindness, Develop, Cause, Force, Strong, Help, Joy, Satisfaction

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