MQM Feels Threatened in Azizabad

Posted in : Politics

(added few years ago!)
Imran Khan is immature and offensive, there is no doubt about that. But why MQM is so sensitive about PTI being running an election campaign in NA-246 in the wake of April 23 by-polls? It seems MQM genuinely feels threatened and thinks that it might loose their core constituency. MQM’s fears are not misplaced actually. Establishment and as a result media is against them. To be fair, MQM has become a mafia involved in various crimes across the metropolis. It’s hard to live let alone do the business in this city for many a years now. MQM chief Altaf Hussain is running the show by sitting in London. On his single call, the city gets shutdown within 30 minutes and blood starts flowing onto the streets as violent organized mobs of MQM gets activated within no time in every suburb of Karachi.
MQM Feels Threatened in Azizabad
This fear factor makes MQM the sole runner of Karachi. During elections, MQM doesn’t have to do the rigging really because fear is enough to get them votes and most of population stays indoors. Others see no option but to vote for them no matter what. That is why establishment has propped up PTI as an alternate for the people here. Establishment is also fully protecting PTI and that is why Chaudhry Nisar has also pledged security for the PTI election rallies and pubic meetings in this sensitive area. The by polls in NA-246 constituency will be held under the supervision of Rangers and police now. That gives PTI a huge boost because people would be able to vote without fear. So MQM has a real chance of getting dented. If MQM looses this constituency its magical fear halo will break down forever throughout Karachi and it might not recovery from that. Establishment and federal government wants that and that is right in accordance with the aspirations of Karachi too.
Blog post Written by Sameer Shaharyar and you can visit the original article at
Tags : MQM, Feels, Threat, Azizabad, Imran Khan, PTI, Altaf Hussain, Media, Result, Crimes, London, Shut, Down, Violent, Karachi, Chaudhry Nisar, NA-246, Election, Security, Leader, Politics, Government, Politicians, Votes, Federal, Break, Chance

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