Water is essential need for living things and a free gift from nature, but due to advancement and changing life styles people are no willing to pay for this free resource. In this article we will discuss why people are paying for this free resource? What are the factors which prevent them to use open water?
Water pollution and its Outcomes
According to study conducted in UN states that more than 3.5 Million children are at high risk of death because of constantly use of contaminated water. 20- 40% of beds occupied in hospitals are because of those people who are effected with the use of polluted water, more than 100 Million cases of diarrhea is registered with in the country. Polluted water is the main reason of more than 40% death annually within the country. More than 1.6 Million disability cases are recorded within the country because of water pollution.
Major water borne diseases in Pakistan are as follow :
Acute Respiratory Infection
Typhoid fever
Hepatitis A & E
Bacterial diarrhea
In terms of financial loss Pakistani government spending 112 billion RS per year on sanitation and hygiene related diseases, but because of increasing population, lack of planning, uneducated people and due to less values water pollution in Pakistan is increasing day by day.
Paying for free source
As mentioned above water is essential need for human being and it is free gift from nature, but people are willing to pay for this, why is it so? The reason is simple but the solution is complex. Another question is the answer of previous question. Do you want to see your child affected because of polluted water? Do you want to include yourself in 40% of total deaths caused by use of polluted water? Do you want to include yourself in the 20% people occupied hospital’s bed included in patients effected by use of polluted water? That is the reason the families have buying power switch towards bottle water as they are considered to be germs free, so to avoid water born diseases people are paying for this free source.