Social Injustice: A threat to Pakistan’s Security

Posted in : Politics

(added few years ago!)
Political instability and socio-economic disparities in Pakistan also make it most suitable target for exploitation. Indeed, in Pakistan the economic problems create many social problems and injustices, which can affect the internal security. It therefore makes it mandatory for all of us to tackle the problem before it starts decaying the very fiber of our national cohesion and integration. In Pakistan, justice is completely denied to the masses because police and courts are under heavy influence of feudal lords and local Zamindars due to which poor masses are compelled to subdue in favour of their local lords. More than 70% population of Pakistan lives in rural areas where the big landlords owe 32% of the privately cultivated land. In our country where literacy rate is very low, the capitalist and feudal modes of exploitation often coexist. The Zamindars and Jagirdars have been allowed to loot the country and suffocate the process of development.
Social Injustice: A threat to Pakistan’s Security
There are no safeguards for a socially clean democratic infrastructure in Pakistan. The safeguards require honest persons to operate the system and remove the deficiencies of the democratic institutions. One of the expectations of the people that democracy would yield equitable distribution of resources and opportunities or the benefits of development has been time and again denied to them. Unemployment is a central problem because when it is high, resources are wasted and people’s incomes are depressed; during such periods, economic distress also spills over to affect people’s emotions and family lives. There is need to develop Pakistani nationhood which should give people the feeling that despite differences they are people destined for common statehood. Diverse groups may also combine in a common state for reasons of economic and other advantages.
But if the advantage is dubious and solidarity missing the state will have to rely mainly on coercive power to maintain itself. The more the state resorts to coercion the more it will alienate its citizens from itself. The concept of Islamic nationhood has received a death-blow with the emergence of Bangladesh. The need of the hour is inter-regional solidarity through negotiations bargaining and compromise. An infrastructure be build to improve the quality of life of common man in terms of education, health, welfare, poverty alleviation and work/job opportunities. The political system, economy, education system, and other areas of collective life should all function in harmony with the ideals of Islam. Justice, fair play, equity, and tolerance should prevail throughout the society. There should be no exploitation in any form. Fundamental rights of the people must be preserved and rotated. The closer we are to these ideals, the greater results we will achieve.
Blog post Written by Shumail Jadoon and you can visit the original article at
Tags : Work, Islamic, Jobs, Reason, Family, Live, Secure, Democracy, Terrorism, People, Social, Injustice, Threat, Pakistan, Security, Land, Army, Development, Problems, Citizen, Advantage, Bangladesh

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