Introducing World History as Compulsory Subject

Posted in : General

(added few years ago!)
Presently Pakistan Studies is taught as a compulsory subject in our educational institutions at secondary, higher secondary and degree levels. Unlike the Cambridge System in which Geography of Pakistan constitutes a very informative and useful component of the subject, the syllabus of Pakistan Studies as taught under national system is primarily focused on ideology and history of Pakistan movement. The students have to study the subject at three consecutive levels without any substantial change or innovation in its contents and, therefore, lose interest. Apart from improving the course contents of Pakistan Studies, one may suggest that it be replaced at intermediate level with An Outline of World History.
Introducing World History as Compulsory Subject
It is a general observation that the knowledge of world history of our students is extremely poor. In an era when inter-faith and inter-cultural exchanges have become manifold, the students need to have some understanding of the mental make-up and culture of other people. The young generation should also have at least elementary knowledge of contemporary affairs in the world and inter-states disputes and conflicts. Obviously a single, short course cannot cover all aspects of human history or offer detailed information about current affairs; however, a very general survey of trends in philosophical thought, scientific discoveries and political developments in the form of an outline of world history can give the students some perspective of evolution of ideas and institutions that have shaped the modern age.
The study of world history will enlighten the students about the complexity of international environment in which one’s nation has to operate and give realization of its situation in time and space. At individual level, it will educate them in public affairs and apprise them of their responsibilities as citizen of the world. Just like travel to foreign lands broadens the vision, the knowledge of other peoples’ beliefs and way of living helps in removing prejudices and pre-conceived negative notions. It acts against bigotry and narrow-mindedness. One thinks it would be a good step if Pakistan Studies is substituted by An Outline of World History at Intermediate level to widen the outlook of the students and break the monotony. It will promote spirit of inquiry and investigation and stimulate potential intellectuals to move forward to satisfy their thirst for learning more.
Blog post Written by Mahboob Popatia and you can visit the original article at
Tags : Introduce, World, History, Compulsory, Subject, Pakistan, High, Secondary, Cambridge, System, Students, School, Affairs, Dispute, Discovery, Modern

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