How To Treat Dark Circles By Using Cucumber

Posted in : Beauty Tips

(added few years ago!)
Have you ever thought about making the use of cucumber for treating the dark circles? If we define dark circles then it is mainly known as being the dark discoloration of skin around eyes. Dark circles can take place in men and women both at diverse stages of life. It can even take place in 20 years old person or even the person at the age of 60.
How To Treat Dark Circles By Using Cucumber
Main Causes of Dark Circles:
1. Hereditary
2. Dryness of skin
3. Excessive exposure to sun
4. Detrimental diet plan
5. Mental stress
6. Crying too much
7. Less sleep
8. Nutritional Deficiency
Treating Dark Circles With Cucumber:
You can make the use of cucumber for treating away the dark circles in natural and excellent way. It is all enriched with the skin-lightening properties. It is a good quality astringent. You have to use cucumber by following the below mentioned steps:
1. You have to fresh cucumber and place it in the refrigerator for about an hour.
2. Now cut down the cucumber in small slices.
3. Now wash your face by means of the tepid water and dry it using a face towel.
4. Now you have to place the cut down slices on the eyes and allow them to stay on the eyes for about 10-15 minutes.
5. Now in the end you have to rinse your face by means of plain water.
6. After the wash you will going to feel out the soothe and comfortable effect for the eyes and skin.
Treating the dark circles is not difficult at all but you should take care of your health so that you can never face through the dark circles throughout your life. Try cucumber and we are sure that in just few days you will get excellent outcomes.
Blog post Written by Hira and you can visit the original article at
Tags : Beauty, Treat, Dark, Circles, Cucumber, Face, Eyes, Tips, Healthy, Women, Men, Life, Treatment, Dry, Sleep, Mental, Stress, Sun, Natural, Water, Wash, Slices, Method

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