You want to kill a matter, make a commission, leave its fate on them and forget. This has been a common practice in Pakistan, becoming a tradition now. Just two days ago, Imran Khan, the record maker Imran Khan, demanded to form a commission constituting of ISI and MI members for election probe. This Dharna if with a little ratio contributed to some awareness, it also created a political turmoil, a political turmoil which seems dividing and revenge seeking. This dharna lost its sense when it started nourishing personal ambitions. Somehow, the body language and gesture concurred a shift from public interest to personal interest. With the onset of this stage coup, malicious rumors started whirling around. Some stated it as a takeover, some named it daunted opposition and some saw reelections coming. Besides, this is not the first time that elections got rigged in Pakistan. Further, it restive situation built civil-military tensions and gained momentum as well. It took a long while to corroborate no such military involvement. But one can assume the intensity that we have that thing in our minds. And now with the demand of ISI and MI commission for elections, seems another stage coup to sensationalize an already dead drama. Imran Khan’s wish list is long with vanity boiling up but this must not be achieved at the cost of national pride. Once, when military and company has shown the disinterest, there is no point in dragging them again.

Commissions never consist of General and Commandants. It would be similar to imagine as if Generals sitting in National Assembly, and politicians protecting the borders, this surely sounds fun. But sorry to state, state matters have never been a kids play. Rigging happened, must be investigation, justice must be brought. But what Imran Khan is forgetting that the stubborn old system of 68 years cannot be revolutionized in a snap. Imran Khan’s demand list changes with every single moment, which could be an insight of the change coming. Dragging military institutions at a time when democracy has started progressing, military abstaining seems discouraging. Institutions if liking to work in their limits must be encouraged, it’s been long we have not seen a good traditions coming. It is whelming to see that Imran Khan would be accredited for holding longest Dharna in future. It seems interesting that he incited a new flavor of politics among masses. It is nicer to see institutions learning working within limits. His philanthropy is worth mentioning. But his far-fetched changed is yet unseen. Somewhere far we have seen glimpse and chunks of change but yet the obvious signs are vague. Imran Khan’s dharna does not looks like a change but an early election campaign necessary for a party holding a second majority position.