Yes, it’s all about midterm elections. Pakistan Peoples’ Party hasn’t forgotten or forgiven Nawaz Sharif for his agitation during their era in the wake of restoration of chief justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chuadhary. That is why Imran Khan has also implicated Iftikhar Chaudhry as one of the riggers during last elections. Zardari implemented governor raj of Salman Taseer in Punjab and Nawaz took it to the streets of Lahore for lawyer and justice movement. Interestingly Imran was also part of that movement, though his role was puny. While Imran was foolishly hiding in Pindi as Nawaz grabbed all the limelight of long march and declared the victory as CJP was restored, while Imran was left alone sulking in Pindi. During Qadri Drama of PPP era, once again Punjab government kind of facilitated the Qadri journey. It wasn’t as intense as it is now, and media was also divided equally between Qadri and PPP.
Iftikhar Chaudhry was there who punctured the tube of Qadri and Qadri had to return fast to Canada on a worthless agreement with Kaira and Co. Whose side PPP is on? Though they have made tall speeches about the democracy and sanctity of the assemblies in the parliament, both opposition leader Khursheed Shah and their information guru Qamaruzzaman Kaira have insinuated about midterm elections. Khursheed even has suggested resignation of Nawaz Sharif. PPP needs time to regroup after debacle last year in elections. They know that Imran is not going to be Prime Minister in any case and they are happy to see him creating chaos in Islamabad. PPP is more warmed up to the demands fo Qadri who talks about national government.
Incidentally Imran also talked about it, and now he has renamed it to neutral government. They are hoping that military would help them install such government. This so-called neutral-cum-national government in Pakistan will take 2 or 3 years for “cleaning.” PPP is ecstatic as establishment has staged all this drama to “liberate” Punjab of Sharif family. This is all win-win situation for PPP, who know that if Nawaz Sharif goes out, there is no one but them to fill the gap with the help of MQM, ANP, JUI-F and other old political players. PPP easily can take Sindh, Balochistan, Northern Areas and Southern Punjab. With Nawaz gone, and with gap of more 2 years, they will also hope to get a sizable chunk in central Punjab, as ANP is all set to make a come back in KPK. We might as well see Imran crying for Prime Minister slot yet again after couple of years.