Natural Beauty Tips for Men

Posted in : Beauty Tips, Health Tips

(added few years ago!)
Just like women, men are concerned with beauty. They would want to be at the top more so when gaming ladies. For the married ones, they would want to remain attractive to their spouses. Well, in that case following the beauty tips for men may work the magic.
Natural Beauty Tips for Men
Hydrating your body
Water plays a very important role in maintaining the beauty on the skin. In that case, it is important to drink about 8 glasses of water daily. Drinking such amounts of water daily may be challenging at first but you will get used to it as time goes by. Well, you can counter that challenge by drinking lemon water or cucumber water for health benefits. Lemonade can detox the body, maintain your body’s PH, purify your blood and help you strengthen body immunity among other benefits. Cucumber water can help with your digestive system, help you with your weight loss efforts and provide a cure to splitting headache.
Enjoying enough sleep
Sleepy eyes can affect the beauty of any man. You don’t want to appear unattractive to a potential game more especially of you frequent dating scenes. Better still, you should strive to remain attractive to your spouse. In that case, you should make sure to have up to 8 hours of undisturbed sleep every day and during same hours. You don’t want to disturb your body clock system at any time even though you sleep the normal 8 hours.
Washing your face twice daily
Washing your face twice daily allows you to aerate your skin. Besides, you can maintain top skin beauty if your skin is oily. Oily skins would require using warm water when cleaning the face.
Clearing acne
Acne and black spots are a nuisance to any man concerned with their beauty. Well, to address this issue, you will need to utilize homemade remedies like lemon and honey. Mixing lemon juice to a teaspoonful of honey and applying on your face, will clear the acne while lightening the black spots. Besides, masking your skin that way improves the glow of your skin. Eating strawberries can also do the trick.
Practicing Skin Yoga
Facial yoga is aimed at exercising your facial muscles and restraining them from sagging. If done daily, skin muscles will stay firm, covering skin wrinkles thus act as anti aging exercise.
Blog post Written by Adeel Ayub and you can visit the original article at
Tags : Natural, Beauty, Tips, Men, Health, Married, Hydrate, Body, Skin, Drink, Water, Daily, Lemon, Benefits, Cucumber, Digestive, System, Headache, Sleep, Eyes, Affect, Dating, Potential, Attractive, Wash, Face, Twice, Clean, Acne, issue, Home, Made, Juice, Glow, Strawberries, Fruits, Yoda, Exercise, Muscles, Facial, Wrinkles, Sagging

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(added few years ago!) / 13028 views

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