Enough with Khiraj-e-Tehseen

Posted in : Local News, Politics

(added few years ago!)
Instead of discussing as how to befittingly retaliate to the terrorists; how to carpet bomb their dens in tribal areas, and how to scour and eliminate them ruthlessly from the whole country; all we are hearing in the media is who broke the news first; who showed the visual first, and which VIP has issued what condemnation. And then there is customary congratulations to the bravery of military. Death danced barely at Karachi airport for hours. The terrorists broke into country’s largest and busiest airport and remained their for hours and the terror was witnessed by the whole world. It was established in the world’s eyes once again that Pakistan was an unsafe place, and a very unstable one too. No matter how much we remain ignorant in our bliss that all is well.
Enough with Khiraj-e-Tehseen
It disgusts me to see the usual battery of statements from Prime Minister, interior minister, ministers, chief ministers, heads of political parties, ISPR, and all that statement machines condemning the attacks and showering laurels on the forces. The only people who deserve laurels here is the handful of Airport Security Force (ASF), who tried to stop the terrorists. Enough is enough. Now first start with firing the heads of agencies who were responsible for ensuring that nothing like that was planned and executed in first place. Why it took more than 5 hours to wipe the scums from the airport? Ok, let’s move forward. What retaliation is there? What are they doing to ensure that this doesn’t happen again? Prime Minister you will drain away no matter what, so do something daring and bold and go out with dignity. Summon the ISI chief and order him to stop tailing and threatening the journalists of GEO, and focus on his actual job.
Had he been doing his actual job, this might not have happened, though I have serious doubts there too. I will be honest here. I don’t think that our own security apparatus has the capability or will to do the needful. We need to ask the support of America, NATO, even India to help us out. We need their professionalism, their technology, and their expertise to combat this menace. It can be done within days, if there is will. Start from one corner, keep doing the carpet bombing throughout, up till the Afghan border and even go further. Keep doing that non stop for 15 days. Forget everything else. Kill them like rats. Ask US and NATO to consider the area as testing ground of their new weapons, and just blow that apart. I am telling you for years that this is the only solution. If you want to do it yourself, just drop any of your smaller nuke over there and take a sigh of relief.
Blog post Written by Gul Raiz and you can visit the original article at http://www.pkhope.com/
Tags : Khiraj-e-Tehseen, Pakistan, Terrorist, Bomb, Tribal, Areas, Media, Country, VIP, News, Brave, Military, Death, Karachi, Airport, Broke, Terror, World, Establish, Eyes, Ignore, Statements, Prime, Minister, Interior, Relation, Political, Parties, ISPR, Attack, Weapons, Indian, Agencies, GEo, ISI, Chief, Serious, NATO, Security, Combat, Carpet, Bombing, Technology, Afghan, Kill, Murder, Blast

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(added few years ago!) / 2300 views

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