ARY, Express, Dunya, and Samaa channels are furious over PEMRA decision to suspend GEO’s license for just 15 days. They wanted total revocation of the license with arrest of Mir Shakeel and sentencing of him and his most of journalists for life so they won’t open their channel ever again. Establishment paid journos like Haroon Rasheed (who is also worker of PTI), Mubasher Lucman, Imran Khan, Arshad Sharif, Javed Chaudhry, Talat Hussain, and host of others were campaigning for the complete shutdown of GEO permanently for sometime in their own styles. Some were devious about it, some very open, and some threatening, and some making sure that physical pain be inflicted on the employees of GEO.

Vehicles of the Jang group continue to be targeted across Pakistan. In the latest attack a vehicle carrying the group’s newspapers was first hijacked and later burnt in Rawalpindi. In these attacks, drivers are beaten. News editors, reporters, anchors, and even petty staff are being threatened on daily basis by the angels. If anybody in this country was ever in doubt as who run the country and who is the real ruler, then he should be crystal clear about that now. The democratically elected government of the people has no say in the matters. When they say something from the GHQ, it’s final and written in stone. They don’t want to be negated, they don’t want to be held accountable. They hold all the power and they have all the resources. Rest is all sham. Pemra has done by suspending Geo News’ licence for 15 days and fining it Rs10 million. Though practically GEO is off air for the last 60 days. The question here is would this be enough to cool down the wrath of ISI and establishment? Would this be enough to satisfy the very obese egos of our angels?