Effective Anti-Aging Masks For Women

Posted in : Beauty Tips

(added few years ago!)
In today’s fast moving world, it is very important that you look your best at all time. You should look smart and elegant regardless your age. You should always look younger than your age.So, in today’s beauty article we decided to write about some very good and  Effective Anti-Aging Masks For Women. These masks really do wonders to your skin. If you apply them consistently you will be able to see the difference only in matter of few days. So, we suggest that you follow this routine religiously.
Effective Anti-Aging Masks For Women
Following is the way to make Effective Anti-Aging Masks For Women :
Strawberries Mask
The first mask is the Strawberries mask. You take 5 strawberries, mash them properly and then mix them with one tablespoon of vegetable oil. Also add one teaspoon chamomile brew and one teaspoon of honey. We are aware of the fact that honey is very useful for your skin. Mix all of these things properly and then apply it on your face and neck. Leave this mask on for 15-20 minutes. Then get a cotton ball, and some cold milk in a bowl. Dip the cotton ball in the milk and use it for removing the mask.
Carrot and cottage cheese mask
Then we have the carrot and cottage cheese mask. In this you need is cream, carrot and cheese. What you do is; you take one tablespoon of fresh thick sour cream, a tablespoon of cottage cheese, and a tablespoon of carrot juice. You mix all these properly and then apply it on your face and on your neck for 30 minutes. Then wash the mask with warm water, after washing your face we recommend that you massage the face with ice cubes.
Blackcurrant mask
In blackcurrant mask you need a tablespoon of honey, two tablespoons of blackcurrant juice and one teaspoon of unsalted butter. What you have to do is; first you have to steam melt the honey. Then blend all the ingredients properly and apply it on your neck and face for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes wash it off with cool water.
Egg yolk anti-wrinkle mask
The last among the Effective Anti-Aging Masks For Women is Egg yolk anti-wrinkle mask. What you need is one egg yolk, one teaspoon of carrot juice and two tablespoons of fresh sour cream. Mix all these things properly and then apply it on your face for 30 minutes. Then wash the mask off with linden blossom brew.
Blog post Written by Sana and you can visit the original article at http://www.fashioninstep.com/
Tags : MIlk, Mix, Teaspoon, Neck, Face, Cream, Wash, Warm, Ice, Cubes, Massage, Honey, Juice, Butter, Sour, Blossom, Egg, Yolk, Wrinkle, Blackcurrant, Carrot, Cottage, Cheese, Effective, Anti, Aging, Masks, Women, Beauty, Tips, Health, Smart, Difference, Skin, Girls, Suggest, Strawberries, Mask

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