Confused as what make up goes with your clothes? Theres always gold colour that would blend with every thing. Most of the people think that the colour gold is too loud. However that is not true at all gold make up doesnt have to be bright gold, it can be in lighter shades, or bronze, you can further fill in black eye shadow to give it a modern look. Things you will need: golden pallet( filled with different shades of gold) white eye shadow, black eye shadow, shadow applier, a wet sponge, and a fan brush.

How to do it: Make sure that no matter what kind of make up you are applying, always cleanse your face properly with a face wash or cleanser adequate for your skin. Apply moisturizer on your face and then apply equalizer to give your skin tone an equal look. Do not over do it. Apply The desired golden shade on your eyes. you can apply golden make both at day time and at evening make sure that at the day time the gold colour you choose is light. make sure that the eye shade is equally applied speacially the eye socket. you can add further bronze colour to dull the shade a bit.
If its an evening even make sure you darken your eye corners with black eye shade. Apply the black eye shade on the corner and till the middle of the socket, move the eye brush half part upper side of the socket. Apply white eye shade on the eye brow bone to enhance them smudge all the shades wel so it doesnot look awkuard and all the shades look that they are well mixed. For the final touch apply eye liner above the eyes and if the event is too formal the liner can be applied underneath half the eyes.(For day time donot darken the corners of the eyes much after applying the liner just smudge it a bit).