How to Write Effective Search Engine Optimized Content

Posted in : General

(added few years ago!)
SEO rules keep changing all the time and thus writing an effective article can seem daunting. Google makes about 500 changes every year in their search algorithm. However, there are certain tips that you have to keep in mind when writing SEO articles.
How to Write Effective Search Engine Optimized Content
Stuffing of keyword: You will find that most clients will want you to repeat the keywords several times. However, do not overdo it.  If the keyword is repeated so many times, it distracts the readers so about 1-2 percentage keyword density should be okay.
Use ‘Alt’ Tag: Usually search engines return mixed results from videos, photos and so on. So, an Alt tag will describe what a photo is all about. Thus, you should always include it so as to ensure that your images are well returned in the search engines.
Themed content: always try to use more than one keyword in your article. It is advisable that you use tertiary as well as secondary keyword phrases to help round out your content. For example, if you are writing an article on how to bake an apple pie, the search engine might be confused as to whether you are talking about apple computers or an apple pie. Thus, you can use other tertiary words like apple pie recipe or bake an apple pie. The secondary keywords tend to give the search engine more information which makes it possible for them to categorize the content and return only relevant information.
Importance of shared content: The search engines reward content that has been shared a lot because they assume that it is good because most people are posting or linking to it.
Writing an effective SEO content is an important part of search battle. The other important part of SEO is getting the search engines to notice the content your put online so that you can get related website searches. The SEO rules are very simple and if you follow them to the latter you will be highly rewarded with organic traffic from the search engines. There are quite a number of companies that can help you create engaging and effective content for your business.  All you have to do is have a clear picture of what you want and explain to them what your business is all about. You can go online to see some of the best SEO companies around your area.
Blog post Written by Adeel Ayub and you can visit the original article at
Tags : How, Write, Effective, Search, Engine, Optimized, Content, SEO, Algorithm, Tips, Article, Keywords, Videos, Photos, Themed, Example, Phrases, Shared, God, Best, Link, Information, Words,

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(added few years ago!) / 1917 views

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