Individuals usually complains that Facebook is making their personal life less personal, this complaint is very odd because you don’t have to be on Facebook and even if the individual can lock down the privacy settings carefully that you’re basically visible. But still most of the individuals get lazy and time passes.
The setting menu of the Facebook is fairly frequent and before one can actually know it the life of your Facebook isn’t as secret as a person thinks it was. The overcome this problem, Facebook is testing the blue dinosaur to nag you about your privacy settings. The Zuckersaurus warns the individuals who have not changed their privacy settings a long time ago that maybe it’s a dig through their privacy settings to see who can actually share or see the stuff updated by them.
Facebook Using Blue Dinosaur To Nag You About Privacy Settings
It’s the kind of insulting implication that if a person is not paying attention to the online privacy settings of the Facebook, the individual is must be a dinosaur.