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Tips For Doing Manicure At Home

Tips For Doing Manicure At Home

I personally like to do manicure but many of us aren’t willing to pay for it every time we want it. After all how long can a manicure stay intact. So, whats a better option that we should know how to manicure at home. If you are a f [...]

Posted On : Feb, 17 2014 | Comments : 0

Health Benefits OF Eating Bananas

Health Benefits OF Eating Bananas

Most of you are aware of the benefits of eating apple or drinking orange juice but very few might know about the benefits of eating banana. Although having any fruit is beneficial for you but there are certain things which a body needs on [...]

Posted On : Feb, 15 2014 | Comments : 0

Health Benefits And Uses Of Orange Juice

Health Benefits And Uses Of Orange Juice

Since its orange season, everyone must be drinking orange juice. There are many benefits of orange juice. In today’s health and beauty article we will tell you about some Health Benefits And Uses Of Orange Juice .   &nbs [...]

Posted On : Feb, 13 2014 | Comments : 0

Kashmir is an Unfinished Agenda of Parition

Kashmir is an Unfinished Agenda of Parition

Khayyam Akbar – Deputy Head of the Mission at the Embassy of Pakistan - has said that Pakistan has never compromised and wavered from its principled stand on the issue of Kashmir. He was speaking to a large gathering, in excess of 5 [...]

Posted On : Feb, 11 2014 | Comments : 0

Dry And Rough Feet Care Tips

Dry And Rough Feet Care Tips

There are many tips on Dry And Rough Feet Care Tips available all of the internet. Some of the most effective among them are listed below:     1. When you choose a foot wear, keep in mind the comfort level rather t [...]

Posted On : Feb, 10 2014 | Comments : 0

Impact of imported cars on Pakistani car manufacturers

Impact of imported cars on Pakistani car manufacturers

Pakistan has a vibrant automobile industry. A survey of the streets shows the variety of cars available in the country. From compact cars to passenger saloons, hatchbacks, large luxurious SUVs and executive cars all vehicle types are avai [...]

Posted On : Feb, 07 2014 | Comments : 0

How to View Old Notifications on Android Phones and Tablets

How to View Old Notifications on Android Phones and Tablets

Notifications on android devices only appear once and if you happen to clear them accidentally, it would be very difficult to know the exact app from which the notifications came from. The above situation is due to the fact that all phone [...]

Posted On : Feb, 04 2014 | Comments : 0

Why Hijab Necessary in Islam for women?

Why Hijab Necessary in Islam for women?

On February 1st the world Hijab day is celebrated in recognition of millions of Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab and live a life of modesty. Islam uplifted the status of women and granted them their just rights 1400 years ago. Is [...]

Posted On : Feb, 03 2014 | Comments : 0

Yasmin Zaman Formal Wear 2014 for Women

Yasmin Zaman Formal Wear 2014 for Women

Yasmin Zaman formal wear 2014 for women was released yesterday. The formal wear dresses are part of the trousseau collection of Yasmin Zaman. There are only a few designs in this formal wear collection of Yasmin Zaman but they are differe [...]

Posted On : Feb, 01 2014 | Comments : 0

Skin Care Tips For Men With Oily Skin

Skin Care Tips For Men With Oily Skin

Skin is a very important part of your body. And it is also very important that you look after your skin properly. Not only women should look after their skin but men should do so. And our today’s beauty article also target men, in t [...]

Posted On : Jan, 31 2014 | Comments : 0

Skin Care Tips For Men With Rough Skin

Skin Care Tips For Men With Rough Skin

Women are not the only one who should take care of their skin. Everyone should take care of their skin. Skin is a very important part of you. Its not only the fashion that matters but if you look after your self you give a nice impression [...]

Posted On : Jan, 30 2014 | Comments : 0

Effective Orange Face Packs

Effective Orange Face Packs

Any fruit with citrus especially oranges are rich in anti-oxidants. It helps in bleaching your skin. Also it help in keeping your skin young for a long time. In today’s beauty article we will tell you about some Effective Orange Fac [...]

Posted On : Jan, 29 2014 | Comments : 0

Homemade Remedies To Get Rid Of Dandruff

Homemade Remedies To Get Rid Of Dandruff

Dandruff is a very common problem specially in winter as you wash your hair with warm water which results in increase of dandruff. There are many products available in the market for removing dandruff but not all are effective. Some are e [...]

Posted On : Jan, 25 2014 | Comments : 0

Is Imran Khan Greedy for Iqtedar?

Is Imran Khan Greedy for Iqtedar?

Imran Khan, the quaid of Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf (PTI) has recently once again said that if he becomes the Prime Minister he would save Pakistan from the terrorism. So good of him to show that resolve and also giving hope to the masses o [...]

Posted On : Jan, 21 2014 | Comments : 0

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