Search Results for 'E'

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Skin Dryness In Winter Season

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Skin Dryness In Winter Season

In winter season people face different skin problems like dryness and itchiness. The skin becomes dehydrated and loses its flexibility and becomes cracked, scaly and sometimes Itchy. Here are some tested and tried home remedies for dry sk [...]

Posted On : Nov, 28 2016 | Comments : 0

Simple Home Remedies for Winter Beauty Woes

Simple Home Remedies for Winter Beauty Woes

In winters, the temperature can go below freezing at times which makes it very chill and uncomfortable. In this situation, quick remedy is required that can reverse the unpleasant skin problems that can accompany the cold weather. Here be [...]

Posted On : Nov, 26 2016 | Comments : 0

Natural Remedies To Grow Thicker And Longer Eyebrows And Eyelashes

Natural Remedies To Grow Thicker And Longer Eyebrows And Eye...

Now a days thicker eyebrows and fuller eyelashes are in fashion. Thin eyebrows and gappy eyelashes make you look older and dull. If you want to look beautiful, attractive and younger, then follow these easy home remedies to grow thicker a [...]

Posted On : Nov, 25 2016 | Comments : 0

Fat Burning Tea By Dr. Khurram

Fat Burning Tea By Dr. Khurram

Every girl desires to look slim n smart. Here we are going to tell you the recipe of Dr. Khurram’s weight loss tea. This tea will help you lose pounds not in months, but only in a few weeks.     You Need: & [...]

Posted On : Nov, 24 2016 | Comments : 0

Best Home Remedies To Get White Shiny Teeth

Best Home Remedies To Get White Shiny Teeth

White shiny teeth contribute to person self-esteem and confidence but usually as time goes by our teeth lose the whiteness and become yellow. Some reasons behind yellow teeth are given below:   * Consumption of too much tea [...]

Posted On : Nov, 23 2016 | Comments : 0

Survive Your Teenage Years with Natural Acne Remedies

Survive Your Teenage Years with Natural Acne Remedies

Acne is one of the biggest issues of teenagers due to their fluctuating hormone levels they have to face the problem of pimples which makes their face look ugly and face with acne also gives bad unimpressive looks. For getting rid of the [...]

Posted On : Nov, 22 2016 | Comments : 0

Dr. Bilquis Home Remedy For Skin Pigmentation

Dr. Bilquis Home Remedy For Skin Pigmentation

Nowadays, we see that every man or women have pigmentation problems. There are a lot of reasons for causing pigmentation like the deficiency of blood, by not taking good food and also by a lack of sleep. But now the question is that how w [...]

Posted On : Nov, 21 2016 | Comments : 0

Home Remedies to Lighten Dark Neck

Home Remedies to Lighten Dark Neck

Care of the face is important and that is why it is essential to find time to take care of it. And while some of us spend lots of money on face care by depending on the skills of beauty experts, but at times what is missed out is the area [...]

Posted On : Nov, 18 2016 | Comments : 0

7 Amazing Skin Benefits of Buttermilk

7 Amazing Skin Benefits of Buttermilk

Buttermilk is a source of utter joy for the appetite. However, what is not known is that butter milk has the ingredients that hold the key to yielding amazing skin remedies like skin glow, skin cleansing, getting rid of acne scars and man [...]

Posted On : Nov, 16 2016 | Comments : 0

Lahore Se Aagey Movie Review

Lahore Se Aagey Movie Review

The much hyped and anticipated, Pakistan’s latest entry into the box office, Wajahat Rauf’s ‘Lahore Se Aagey’ hit the cinemas yesterday and received very mixed reviews.  Like a lot of other latest flicks unvei [...]

Posted On : Nov, 14 2016 | Comments : 0

Best Diet to Stay Away From Acne

Best Diet to Stay Away From Acne

The acne is the great problem for the youth and the acne area on the face creates great pain and the young boys and girls are worried about this condition. They need to get rid of the acne from the face and make their life free of irritat [...]

Posted On : Nov, 11 2016 | Comments : 0

How to have bold lips

How to have bold lips

Almost every other girl wishes to have bold or bigger lips. Plastic surgery is not the solution as it is risky. You can have bold lips by applying lipstick in a tricky way. Here we go with the simple steps to make your lips bold:-   [...]

Posted On : Nov, 10 2016 | Comments : 0

Essential Common Facts about Dry Skin

Essential Common Facts about Dry Skin

Dry skin is the great problem and the people can feel irritation. If they face this problem, then they need to pay the attention on this issue and take the step to look it right and get it free from the dryness. They need to get some esse [...]

Posted On : Nov, 09 2016 | Comments : 0

How to make your hands softer

How to make your hands softer

Expensive creams can damage your skin and can have many side effects. If you wish to save your skin from damaging then make your own hands scrub at home for making your hands softer. This scrub will remove all your dead cells and will mak [...]

Posted On : Nov, 08 2016 | Comments : 0

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